Selamat pagi kawan-kawan semua.,
Kali ini jakainfo ingin berbagi software yang bernama Visual Basic 6.0.
Software ini sangat bermanfaat sekali bagi kawan-kawan semua karena dapat
mempermudah kawan-kawan dalam pembuatan aplikasi karena software ini berfungsi
untuk mempermudah dan menyederhanakan pengembangan aplikasi yang kawan-kawan
minimum yang diperlukan untuk menginstall Visual Basic 6.0 agar berjalan dengan
lancer di laptop/computer kawan-kawan adalah sebagai berikut :
- Pentium® 90MHz or higher microprocessor.
- VGA 640x480 or higher-resolution screen supported by Microsoft Windows.
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or later, or Microsoft Windows 95 or later.
- 24 MB RAM for Windows 95/98, 32 MB for Windows NT.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01 or later (version 4.01 Service Pack 1 or later for DHTML application developers, and 4.x for end-users of these applications).
- Pentium® 90MHz or higher microprocessor.
- VGA 640x480 or higher-resolution screen supported by Microsoft Windows.
- Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or later, or Microsoft Windows 95 or later.
- 24 MB RAM for Windows 95/98, 32 MB for Windows NT.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.01 or later (version 4.01 Service Pack 1 or later for DHTML application developers, and 4.x for end-users of these applications).
- Disk space requirements:- Standard Edition: typical installation 48 MB, full installation 80 MB.
- Professional
Edition: typical installation 48 MB, full installation 80 MB.
- Enterprise Edition: typical installation 128 MB, full installation 147 MB.
- Additional components (if required): MSDN (for documentation): 67 MB, Internet explorer 4.x: approximately 66 MB.
- Enterprise Edition: typical installation 128 MB, full installation 147 MB.
- Additional components (if required): MSDN (for documentation): 67 MB, Internet explorer 4.x: approximately 66 MB.
(no MS-DOS support assumed).
Oke langsung saja bagi kawan-kawan
sekalian yang berminat dengan software ini bisa download disini atau klik
download link dibawah ini..,
Password rar :
Semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi
kawan-kawan sekalian..,^-^
artikel mengenai Belajar Visual Basic 6.0nya bagus sekali, mohon ijin referensi